sexta-feira, dezembro 11, 2009
Hoje há Dead Kennedys

punk, do bom. Jello Biafra, activista político dos que levam a coisa muito a sério.

Genuíno, ingénuo, forte, gozão, muita coisa cabe em Dead Kennedys - tal como em Jello Biafra, o homem-mentor da banda. Ele vai estar cá já esta noite. Infelizmente não vou poder vê-lo com a sua nova banda (The Guantanamo School of Medicine, nome sugestivo) mas nada me impede de recordar.

Pull My Strings, do álbum Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death. ( letra está mais abaixo)

"Pull My Strings"

I'm tired of self respect
I can't afford a car
I wanna be a prefab superstar

I wanna be a tool
Don't need no soul
Wanna make big money
Playing rock and roll

I'll make my music boring
I'll play my music slow
I ain't no artist, I'm a business man
No ideas of my own

I won't offend
Or rock the boat
Just sex and drugs
And rock and roll

Drool, drool, drool, drool, drool, drool
My Payola!
Drool, drool, drool, drool, drool, drool
My Payola!

You'll pay ten bucks to see me
On a fifteen foot high stage
Fatass bouncers kick the shit
Out of kids who try to dance

If my friends say
I've lost my guts
I'll laugh and say
That's rock and roll

But there's just one problem

Is my cock big enough
Is my brain small enough
For you to make me a star
Give me a toot, I'll sell you my soul
Pull my strings and I'll go far

And when I'm rich
And meet Bob Hope
We'll shoot some golf
And shoot some dope

Is my cock big enough?
Is my brain small enough?
[Repeat chorus, etc. etc.]

(letra tirada daqui - foi o primeiro resultado no google...)
posted by P. @ 3:14 da tarde  
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